Chapter 46 – Indigo League 1


Charmeleon was smashed into the ground.

Lucifer "Oh no Charmeleon are you alright."

"Charrr." A weak roar came from the dust.

Ash "Eevee Extreme Speed."

Eevee then started to move at blurring speeds that most of the people could not see and slammed into the Charmeleon who had just stood up and send him flying.


Charmeleon flew and landed next to Lucifer.

Lucifer "Charmeleon."

Ash looked at Charmeleon who was struggling to get up and smiled. "Good."

Charmeleon finally stood up and used flame thrower at Eevee.

Ash "Dark Pulse."

Eevee launched a dark beam at the flame thrower.


It stopped for a while but finally Charizard's Flamethrower collapsed and Dark pulse hit him.


A dust cloud was rose.

After the dust settled a fainted Charmeleon appeared in the view.

Judge "We have a winner. The Blue corner wins."

There were screams and claps from the audience.

Ash "Well done Eevee."

Eevee then jumped onto Ash's Shoulder.

Ash then went to his opponent who returned Charmander.

Ash "Your Charmeleon is hot blooded and rushes into the fight explain him why there is a trainer behind him."

Lucifer nodded and spoke "But your pokemon is too a C+ rank then still why it was overpowered."

Ash "Your Charmeleon knows it ask him."

Lucifer was confused but then he did not continued and left.

Ash too left.


Lance and the Elite four were watching this whole match.

Agatha "He has improved."

Lance nodded "He has a good attitude just like his father explaining the reason behind the defeat for the opponent."


Ash then removed his mask and Went towards Misty and Brock.

Misty "So Ash how was it."

Ash "Too excited and I want to feel how it feels to be in the main stadium."

Brock chuckled "Check the next match."

Ash "Dexter."

Dexter "…

Rocky Field

Damian Richs

Rank C+"

Ash was stunned and laughed "This world is small enemies do really meet many times The Pokemon is decided."

Pikachu sighed

Ash 'You should act as a big brother and wait."


Brock "Good Damian has a Charizard too."

Ash "Then it will be more interesting now let's watch the interesting matches."

Misty "Gary's Match is ongoing stadium 4."

Ash "Let's go."


Stadium 4

Gary versus Rime

Gary "Eevee Bite."

His opponent was a Dratini.

Eevee rushed up and used energy to form a jaw and bit in the direction of Dratini.

Rime "Dodge then Tackle"

Dratini dodged to the side and the attack missed Eevee did not rushed Ahead and looked at Dratini.

Gary smiled "Ice beam."

Rime "No."

A white icy beam hit Dratini square in the face.

And the aftereffect was Dratini froze.

Gary "The weakness of Dragon types."

Judge looked at both of them and observed the ice block for few seconds and Dratini was not responding to Rime's Calls and he announced.

"Blue corner wins."

Gary returned Eevee and laughed Arrogantly and started to walk back.

But he said "That was good one you should battle more strength is important but experience is most."

And he returned to the resting room.


In the stands.

Ash "He will never learn but he is better than my opponent."

Misty "He is too good than your opponent."

Ash "Man we have wait for five days for the next match."

Then his communicator buzzed.

Ash "Hmm Lance."


Lance "Ash you have a job come to the League office at eight."

Ash "Okay."

Brock "Ash you are busy."

Ash "That's better."


Next Ash watched some more matches and returned to the league office at eight.

In the office.

Ash "So you are saying that I should go to Sevii island and capture this group of hooligans."

Lance "You are free for five days do you want to just eat and sleep."

Ash "Fine I will go tomorrow."


Next Morning.

Ash, Misty and Brock were riding their pokemons to Sevii island 1.

Brock "So you are saying that they wanted to capture the three titans."

Ash nodded.

Misty "Same like Collector."

Ash "That is the main reason I am going there to find that is any treasure same like last one there."

Brock "Well that is too dangerous but why were they in the stadium."

Ash "Flame of Moltres it could summon Moltres."

Brock "Means the torch."

Ash "Yup."


Sevii island 1

A recently Destroyed Warehouse.

Ash was fully messed up "There is nothing here Kabutops any thing."

Kabutops "No leaving this wing there is nothing."

He gave a rainbow wing to Ash.

Ash "hmm You say this is a treasure."

Kabutops "You should keep it you will find out later."

Ash "Okay Lets return there is nothing here and they are just bunch of petty thieves who got some good rewards and got arrogant."


In the sky.

A Rainbow pokemon flew by.

Ho – oh "You are progressing way quicker than I thought but if any one of them found you you are doomed be safe."


After four days.

Sub Stadium 1

Rocky Battle field

Announcer "Today we have Damian on the Red corner who has used his Charizard yesterday and won without much effort and on the blue corner we have the mysterious trainer who used speed to defeat the opponent lets welcome them."


Ash looked at Damian and smirked "Damian know him."

And he released Charizard With B rank strength.

Damian Raised an eyebrow "Means."

He too released a C+ rank Charizard.

Ash "He is the same pokemon you had abandoned six months ago."

Damian then tried to recall "Oh that weak Charmander who I left on the rock in the rain."

Ash's Charizard Roared and launched a Flamethrower towards Damian's Charizard and burning him up in one move.

Damian's Charizard fainted.

All the audience were stunned.

Damian looked at his Charizard and scolded "You fucking slut doesn't even withstood one move from today go away and never return this is your last day with me."

And he then looked at Ash's Charizard fervently and spoke "Hey Can you come back to me."

Ash looked at the judge and spoke "This proves him guilty right."

Judge "Your authority must be higher than him."

As Ash's Charizard heard this he burned Damian and he too fainted with burns all over his body.

Ash spoke into the mic "Hey Can you handle him."

"Fine that was satisfying."

Ash's Charizard Roared in happiness but then looked at Damian's Charizard who was depressed and spoke to Ash.

Charizard "Ash Can we keep her."

Ash was stunned first but smiled "Ask her."

Charizard too knew his trainer's thought and was embrassed.

Pikachu "Go ahead."

Charizard took a deep breath and looked at the other Charizard and spoke "Hey do you want to come with us."

The other Charizard was stunned first but then she asked "Is your trainer good to you."

Charizard "He is best for me."


To be continued.

Guys you may have guessed some thing as I don't want to leave Charizard behind like in the anime."


Next Chapter 47 – Indigo league 2