Chapter 49 – Indigo league 4

"Didn't he died or is he his brother."

There was chatter in the audience.


Judge looked at the Pikachu levitating and one fainted and sighed.

"Pikachu of the Red side fainted."

Ritchie was still stunned and he sighed and went to pickup Sparky.

Ash looked at this and laughed "Well Ritchie I thought you will use earthquake like your previous matches.

Ritchie "I was distracted."

Ash "I know why, battle like you always do."

Ritchie nodded.

Ritchie "Now go Buds."

Ash "Buds."

An Ivysaur appeared on the field.

Ash "Bud of the Bulbasaur."

Ritchie "Now spread leach seeds on the ground."

Many seeds came out from the bud of Ivysaur and covered the field.

Ash "Good Earthquake."

Ritchie "What."

Pikachu's tail glowed and he rushed down from the air and slammed it on the ground.


The originally burned ground cracked and started to shake.

Even the stadium shook even with the protection of the psy field.

Ash sighed "Pikachu you overdid it."

Pikachu "I did not the gravity pulled me." Suddenly he was blasted away by a solar beam.

An injured Ivysaur appeared on the field.

Pikachu "Owww."

Ash "Good now focus and the leach seeds are gone now extreme speed and iron tail."

Ritchie "Protect."

As Pikachu disappeared from the spot a green bubble covered Ivysaur.


There was a hit and the bubble shook but there were very few cracks which were restored easily.

But it did not end there.



Ritchie [Shit what should I do]

Finally the protect broke after seventh hit.

And the eighth hit sent Ivysaur flying and he fainted.

Ash looked at Ritchie who was troubled and sighed [If I had not listened to Professor Oak I would have been same as you.]

Ritchie returned Ivysaur and spoke "I admit defeat."

Ash was stunned but he spoke "As you wish."

Pikachu hopped on his shoulder and he walked away but not without speaking.

"Focus on the battle not on your opponent gain experience and the challenge again."

The Judge was in a bad condition but he still announced "Sir Are you really Destroyer."

Ash stopped for a second and continued "Yes I have returned."

There was an uproar in the stadium.

Judge "The Destroyer wins this match."


Next Group matches went smoothly Ash only used one pokemon per match.


Group finals

Ash "Now is the real showdown."


Announcer "Now We are here on the last match of the Group stage

Lightning Group

Destroyer Versus Mikel Bugs


Applause screams shouts.

Both the trainers came from the respective doors and looked at each other.

Mikel "I have heard a lot about you I want to see your true limits."

Ash "Thanks are you are worthy enough to show my true limits."


Announcer "We have a special guest today Professor Oak"

Ash "That Old man is special."

Oak "So Hello Ladies and Gentlemen I am Professor Oak and you should know that as he already announced it."

And he looked at Ash and Mikel and spoke.

"You both give me a good match as it is very difficult to move this Old bag of bones."

Ash mumbled "Old bones"

And he shouted "Professor there is Mew near Viridian Forest."

Oak "Where Viridian sorry guys I will go…" He understood something and stopped speaking.

The audience laughed.

Oak "You brat don't you want to keep your identity a secret or should I tell them."

Ash "You will not I guarantee."

"Hmph now start the match."

Ash "Fine"


Judge "The Rules are same just this match is Four on Four and there will be a field."

Both of them nodded.

And the ground shook and trees came out of the ground and covered the entire battle field.

Ash "Forest Good."

Judge "now release your pokemon."

Mikel "Go Scyther."

Ash "Gengar."

Scyther and Gengar appeared on the field.

Scyther released his aura.

Ash looked at him "A+ rank. Now modify."

Suddenly the temperature dropped and Gengar was surrounded by dark clouds and his aura started to rise.






Lance and the rest of the elite four were stunned

Lance "He reached A+ rank."

Agatha "What a monster."


Mikel "As I expected. Now Scyther Extreme speed."

Scyther disappeared from the place.

Ash "Into the Forest Shadows then Shadow balls."

Gengar went into the shadows and there was a slash where he stood first.

Scyther felt danger behind his back and jumped up and a shadow ball landed there.


Gengar was nowhere to be seen.

Mikel "Follow his aura."

Scyther then ran into the forest.

Ash "Night shade."

The whole forest fell into darkness and it was like a ghost forest from outside.

Scyther's eyesight was blocked and he got hit by four shadow balls.

Mikel "Scyther Blade dance and then Blade Tornado."

Ash thought "Blade tornado. Oh no Gengar again into the shadows."

But Gengar was late and he got stuck by many blades of the Blade tornado.


To be continued

Power stones 27/50