Chapter 69 – First Artifact 

Drake then said "Should I help him."

Oak "No This mission is ranked as S rank."

Drake's eyes widened.

"Can he handle it."

Oak "He is better than Some of the Elite four."

Drake "Okay can he give me warning before acting."

Oak "I will message him he is currently unreachable."

"Oh yes he went inside a cave."


Somewhere in some cave three people and two pokemon were walking inside it or one was riding.

Kabutops "Ash I feel many means many familiar auras."

Ash "Uh means fossils of Kabutos."


Ash "Oh I think this island was their nest in ancient time."


Ash and Kabutops were ahead of Misty and Tracey by few meters.

Ash looked inside the cave a said "But why do I feel like something is pulling me there and it seems like something is waiting for me."

Kabutops's eyes shone and he spoke solemnly "Ash I would tell you more about yourself and your duties when you reach the right age and your father and mother both are not normal humans."

Ash was confused "Means that I am special."

"Yes but in a different way but this also makes your life difficult but that problem is for later now can you tell me how is the feeling."

Ash "For describing it… it is like I am attracted to it."

Kabutops murmured "Is it an artifact anyway let's go and see."

Pikachu heard everything but did not speak."

And they continued their journey.


As he went deep inside the feeling intensified and soon the trio came to an end.

Misty "Ash do you think we are going the right way."

Ash "I don't know but there is something which attracted me here."

Tracey "Did this wall attract you."

And he went and touched it but nothing happened.

Ash was thinking what to do ahead.

But suddenly he heard a voice in his head ��Welcome Guardian."

Ash looked around cautiously "Who?"

Misty "Ash what happened."

The voice came again "Guardian only you can hear me now take the artifact and try to un… thi… Worl…"

The voice faded off.

Ash "What to do Hey Hey."

Ash again tried to contact the voice but no avail. Then he looked at the wall and touched it.

Tracey was speaking "Ash I told you nothing is here."


Tracey "What?"


The wall started to shake and a chest appeared.

Tracey's Eyes shone "A Treasure"

And he rushed to open.

Ash "Tracey don't..."

But Tracey had already touched it and


A burning smell came.

Misty looked at Tracey and was shocked.

Ash didn't knew what was happening and he started to walk towards the chest.

Misty shouted "Ash don't go."

As she was going to pull him Kabutops stopped her and spoke "The artifact chooses her owner."

Misty "Artifact but how do you know that it will not harm Ash."

By this time Ash had touched The Chest and it opened and inside there was a piece which was smooth on one side and rough on the other side.

Kabutops looked at it "A Fragment."

Ash "Huh."

As soon as Ash touched it burst in particles and Went into Ash's Body.

Ash jumped away and Pulled Tracey together.

But nothing happened for a second and then the cave walls creaked and the room was closed.

Ash "What was that."

Kabutops "An Artifact which bound to you but it was just a fragment but even then it is useful you will feel the effects soon."

Suddenly some rocks fell down and Misty glanced at it and then looked up and was horrified and spoke while shaking "Guys the whole island is made of Kabuto fossils."

Ash "Huh."

Kabutops remembered something and spoke "Ash Do you know about blood moon and when it is."

Ash "Blood moon yes it is phenomenon and Date Dexter."

Dexter beeped "Today."

Kabutops "Shit Run."

Ash "Why"

Kabutops "First run."

Soon they started to rush out.


At the entrance of the cave many researchers were currently working hard and soon few figures rushed out and started to pant.

The head researchers noticed them and frowned and thought what danger did an A+ rank trainer could face here.

Ash looked at her and walked towards her and spoke solemnly "You need to evacuate."

Laura asked in confusion "Why."

Ash "This whole island is made from Kabuto fossils."


"According to the myths the Kabuto's went into hibernation on the day of the blood moon which occurs once in a thousand years and will awake at the next blood moon."

"What are you saying that the fossils are alive and are going to awake today and the island will sink."

Ash nodded.

A researcher nearby heard this and frowned "Hey you brat don't you anything else to do and make myths and scare us."

Ash "It's true."

Suddenly Dexter beeped "Warning"


To be continued.