Chapter 76 – Power of the One

Sub – title – Do not Disturb the harmony of Fire, Ice or Lightning


As Oak was transforming many Old King Rank Trainers too Transformed.


North of Mt. Moon

A Mew with Two Tails opened its Eyes and spoke "The Chaos has started Ash You are our last chance."


Shamouti Island.

Tna na ne ta nana na

Ta nan a ta nan a ne niii


As Melody Played the last tune she stopped and opened her eyes and bowed.

"Thank you" A crisp voice followed it.

Ash then started to clap

Clap clap clap

And everyone followed.


Shamouti Airspace

A Flying Fortress was in the air.

In the cockpit a crazy laughter was sounding.

Lawrence "Hahahha Moltres you are finally mine Soon I will do what the mortals could not! Lugia just wait."

He then looked at the tablet and smiled

"Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash. O, Chosen One, into thine hands bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame the beast of the sea."

He looked at the Thunder Crystal which was sparkling filled with Lightning Element.

"Wait I will find a way to control you."


Melody then went in front of Ash like a fairy and spoke "Oh Chosen One Would you Bring the Treasures and Bless the Beast Of The Sea The Shamouti Island will forever remember your greatness."

Ash's heart skipped a beat while facing Melody so close he spoke "Yes I will."

Melody smiled her eyes turning into crescent moons.

Ash suddenly turned into hero time because of this and started to walk towards the gate and spoke "Pikachu Let's go for treasure hunting."

Pikachu squeaked and jumped on Ash's shoulder.

But this show was not destined to be successful as Misty interjected.

"Ash Do you know what is the treasure and where are you going to find it."

Ash slipped with Pikachu and fell on face. There was a laughter in the hall.

Melody went and helped Ash to stand up and then took three fruits and started to explain.

"There are three islands Fire, Ice and lightning governed by Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos you have to climb to the top and take three treasures and bring them here and the mission is complete."

Ash seemed to remember something and looked at Misty who too was shocked.

Melody felt something was wrong "Ash What happened."

He removed dexter and spoke "Dexter show the Thunder sphere."

Dexter "Yes."

Then a hologram appeared and a sphere with lightning element in it appeared.

Ash "Is it like this."

Melody looked at it and nodded.

Ash then caught her by shoulders and spoke excitedly "Can you tell me what will happen if they fell in evil peoples hand can they control the weather titans."

Melody stunned by Ash's action.

Misty went and pulled Ash Pikachu "Ash calm down."

Pikachu "Pikapi."

Grandpa Rick frowned "Ash what are you speaking."

Ash calmed down and started to speak "Okay I will tell you the whole story I came to Orange island for a mission."

Rick nodded

Ash "As you are involved in it I will tell you."

Dexter "Beep

Mission rank - 'S rank, General Tier'

Current handled by Trainer Ash Ketchum

Trainer rank A+

Authority S+

Mission info

Stop Lawrance III Criminal rank S from controlling Lugia.


Shamouti Island

Time unknown


Misty Waterflower

Rank A

Brock Harrison

Rank A"

Melody was scared "Gen… General Tier Ash what Meant by capturing Lugia no one has seen Lugia for years."

Ash "There is a way."

Dexter "Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash. O, Chosen One, into thine hands bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame the beast of the sea."

Rick who was silent for the whole time finally spoke "So what happened."

Ash "To capture the Weather Trio The three treasures are needed and Lawrence has the Thunder sphere and he should have started to act."

There was Pink flash and a furball appeared.

Ash and Misty spoke together "Mew."

Mew looked around and saw Ash and Melody close and laughed "Ash did you find a girlfriend."

Both Ash and Melody blushed.

But there were thumps around as all the islanders knelt and said solemnly "We greet Lady Mew."

Mew snapped and everyone stood up.

Mew "Don't worry your clan has guarded the island well by the way Ash Moltres has been captured and I cannot interfere in it due to the restrictions Places on King Tier and above trainers.

Ash nodded "I will deal with it."

Mew nodded "All the best."

Then she disappeared and Ash's bag started to wriggle.

Ash sighed and pulled Mew Out of it.

Ash "When will you learn."

Mew pulled out a tongue "Never" and disappeared.

All the villagers saw this and Melody took the lead.

"Ash How are you in contact with Lady Mew."

Ash "She always follows Me Reason I don't know."

Rick knew something but didn't speak.

Pikachu's Ear's perked up and he launched a Massive thunder Bolt out of the sky which countered another thunder.

Ash too fell Pikachu's Fear and he looked out and spoke "Go inside we have guests."


To be continued

Extra Chapter for 200 Power stones