Chapter 98 Ash you are not a good brother

A fire pillar shot towards Tyranitar who felt danger and used dark pulse at full power to counter it. The Flamethrower stopped for a sec then crushed the dark beam with overwhelming force and blasted Tyranitar into a deep pit.

There is huge disparity between A and S tiers. An A Tier Pokémon may be defeated by six B tiers but A tier Pokémon's attack will only be a scratch for S tier as it was a qualitative change in life form and energy. As elemental energy tranforms into spritual energy. Even Legendary Pokémon may not build up this gap even if they control the laws of elements.

As for why six is a special number that is not known.

Soon a flying orange dragon appeared into the sky flew a circle and landed near Karen and roared towards him with a hideous smile which made Karen fall on his butt.

Two teenagers got of form the back of the Flame Dragon, the boy had a plaster of his leg and was supported by the girl.

Ash looked at Karen and smiled, "Karen your situation seems to be a little bad."

Karen looked at his friend who was so different just few days ago and wanted to ask questions. But Ash spoke first , "We will talk later lets end this first."

Then he released Dratini, Eevee and Audino. Gengar and Pikachu stayed with him Audino went to heal others with Nurse Joy as most of the healing type Pokémon were in the Joy Family.

Karen , "Ash Destroy that green machine it is the cause of this incident."

Serena who had kept silent since was stunned when she heard it. "What!!!! It was man made incident."

Ash's was rarely serious he too looked at Karen but his rule was action first and talk later.

Ash , "Charizard Destroy it."

Charizard snorted and blew and ember towards the machine which then was put on fire and started to melt.

As the machine melted the surrounding pokemon gained clarity and ran away with fear including Tyranitar.

Everyone was looking blankly at the huge Pokémon running away as running for life.

Ash Asked , "What can scare A Quasi Legendary to such degree."

Everyone shook their heads as for Legendary Pokémon leaving Ash Everyone would need to smoke their ancestors graves for centuries to see one.

But they didn't knew that a legendary Pokémon's breath was in the machine.


Everyone else started to patrol the town, rescue survivors and heal injuries.

Ash trio were separated.

Karen looked at Ash with mixed feelings.

"Ash you are not a good brother."

Ash was speechless. Seeing Ash didn't had anything to say Serena helped him.

"He came here for a mission how can he disclose his identity."

Karen nodded but he asked with shock "But what is your strength your Charizard just shot down A tier Tyranitar like a fly."

Ash was about to reply but his communication buzzed. It was a call from professor.

Professor face appeared on the screen with and ugly look.

"Ash you have created a problem".

Ash raised his eyebrows and asked, "Whst problem?"

"Your identity has been leaked."

Ash was startled, "how?"

Oak looked at the confused face of Ash with anger and then started scolding, "You brat why there is a need to disclose yourself to every gym and every incident and if you just wanted fame why are you hiding yourself .....bla.bla ...bla"

This lecture continued for more then half an hour with Ash nodding, Oak scolding and Karen laughing while rolling on the ground.

Oak sighed, "Okay everything that happened cannot be changed now continue your job I will send you to a new place after you return."

The call ended. Ash sat down with relief, He is worse than mother."

Before he could talk again his communicator rang again which caused him jump, soon a nasty voice came "Ashy Boy I heard you created a mess for Grandpa"

Ash's change from being tired to an angry man who has abused for many days and started fight a voice battle with Gary.

Serena spoke, "Ash's friends are all weirds."

Karen who was gonna laugh suddenly choked as he also his friend and spoke with an embarrassing smile, "This sister I am completely normal."

Serena gave him a white look, "Karen Wells born 16 July New Age 4015, joined Ranger school at the age of fifteen, has a record of harming girls and even tried to peek at girls bathroom. Ash may be stupid but he is way better than you."

And then she distance herself form the stunned Karen.

Gary soon stopped bickering with Ash and came to business, "I coming tomorrow to Almia to Protect you and stop you from acting rashly."

Ash snorted, "I am stronger than you i don't need your protection."

Gary, "Oh a dignified trainer with two S ranked Pokémon was hurt by an A tier Pokémon and by the way Umbreon and Blastoise have reached S Tier. And your Little Girlfriend is good but she can't stop you from acting recklessly and you may even put her into danger."

Ash did not agree or disagree with the sentence of Serena being his girlfriend but he was stunned at the mention of Gary being promoted to Quasi S tier trainer, "How come you got to S tier so Quickly."

Gary smiled, "Do you think only you are genius."

Ash smiled, "Okay be ready to battle."

Gary smirked, " And you be ready to lose."

"Gary ....."

And two started bickering again until the it was late.


Ranger headquarters

President Georgia was sitting in her office with the report of the loss in Puel town.

She sighed and looked at her assistant and spoke, "We really underestimated them, do you have any idea."

Her assistant spoke, "We should track money transfer of big companies as such a huge project will need huge resources."

Georgia "I think Altru is bit suspicious keep an eye on them and now our dagger was also exposed we need a stable period to grow."

The assistant nodded and went away.

Georgia had more white hair on her head than 10 days before.


To be continued