February 9th, 1873, Owhiro Bay, Wellington, 0600 hours
Duncan woke that morning with a stiff neck; he'd spent the evening waiting for Peter, eventually drifting into a restless sleep in the living room beside the fire. Hoping Peter had returned home during the night, Duncan checked his son's room and was disappointed to find the bed had not been slept in. Remembering Ted's visit the previous evening, Duncan wondered if Betsy had returned home. I will go and see Ted this morning, he thought. A possible encounter with Sofie, although unpleasant, would just have to be endured.
Duncan was approaching Ted's home when the front door flew open and the considerable bulk of Sofie stepped forward, filling the doorframe.
"Good Morning, Mr. Wilshire," Sofie greeted him with an edge to her voice.
"Morning, Mrs. Smythe," replied Duncan. "Did Betsy return home last night? Peter never came home, either," he added.