Chapter 90

A moment later, a rather dishevelled man of indiscernible age shuffled out from the yard. His overcoat was in tatters, his long hair was matted and dirty, and his beard, patchy and thin, was marked by a combination of long forgotten stains and debris.

"Ira, is good to see you," said Tararua Tom, coming to a stop and revealing a toothless smile.

"It's good to see they haven't kicked you out of here yet," observed Ira.

"Oh no, Ira, I do a good service by keeping a watchful eye on the yard and timber, so they'll not want to turn me out."

"A shame they couldn't provide you with a bath."

Sucking on his gums, Tararua Tom just looked at Ira.

"Tell me, Tom, what did you see here a few minutes ago?"

Tom began to play with the twine wrapped around his waist that held his overcoat closed; its buttons, having served their useful purpose some time ago, were now long gone.