Chapter 102

In clean civilian clothes, feeling refreshed, Ira passed Wiki's inspection, much to the delight and ribald amusement of their guests. She tended to his head, gently feeling for fractures and carefully assessing and treating the injury. She was not convinced the bump on his head was minor, but Ira assured her he'd suffered worse and this was nothing more than a little knock. Wiki reluctantly released her husband back to the service of the Armed Constabulary and the resumption of his regular duties, on the condition his friends took better care of him. They all enthusiastically agreed.

Rupert Potter had Ira's two young boys, Tami, named after Wiki's father, and James, after her brother, clambering all over him, something he enjoyed, and which the youngsters took great delight in doing. After a while, the two disappointed boys were sent to the rear of the house to play, allowing the men to talk.