In addition to his own weapons, Constable Rupert Potter had also brought Ira's Martini-Henry Rifle and revolver. Fully armed and mounted, the two men headed to Lambton Quay as fast as they could, given the condition of the roads and traffic.
"I don't think the Russians will attempt to rescue the prisoner before it gets dark," said Ira, when he was close enough to talk to Potter without the chance of being overheard.
"The Russians have to land their Marines, rendezvous, and then make their way to where McDonald is. How long will that take?"
Looking at the sun, Ira determined that sunset would be an hour away. "If McDonald isn't far away, I think we easily have about three hours, Iho."
The urgency of finding McDonald's location was not lost on them, as lives were at stake. As the congestion eased, the two men quickened the pace down Lambton Quay, making their way to Wellington's well-known Barrett's Hotel.