Chapter 3: Bad Memories

"Mum, where are they taking me to? I don't want to be alone tonight again; please--mum!! Talk to dad..." His voice echoed as he was being dragged out of the mansion.

A young boy who is around his early seventeen was being taken away by his two hefty personal guards to the dungeon that is behind their mansion. When they got there, he was thrown inside the dark deep dungeon and they locked him inside with multiples of heavy metals.

This has been happening ever since he was five years old. He is always taken to the dungeon whenever the sun goes down and being taken back to the house the next day when the sun rises. When he started coming of age, he usually refused to follow them to the scary pit (like he usually calls it). But his mom always tells him that; "It's for your own good Desmond. Pay heed to my word and follow them".

Since he couldn't refuse his Mom, he tried to be obedient and hearken to her words. He have no idea about what usually happens to him in the dungeon because, he always passed out before the next morning.

Miranda George, a great and vital person who loves her son so much. She's interested in everybody and everything. In contrast to her husband, Harrison George, who is apparent indifference to anything and everyone, mostly to his son. Harrison is always in a good mood whenever he's going to get a contract done at his company.

There was once a warm love and understanding relationship between the couple. Not until Miranda gave birth to their only child, Desmond. Things fell apart between the couples when they got to know how their son became a monster who can't associate with normal people like they always wanted and wished for.

When it's 7pm sharp on the day Desmond was thrown in the dungeon, his mom was pacing up and down in an elegant room fit to the taste of a queen; The fear thoughts looped around in her mind until there was no room for anything else. She's worried about how her son would be feeling at that moment in the dungeon alone.

"Don't you think you're been too harsh towards Desmond? He's just a little kid for crying out loud!!" Miranda yelled at her husband with an anguished voice.

With an indifferent expression, Harrison focuses on the magazine he was reading without paying any attention to his wife. He always sees Desmond as a sorrowful child, who shouldn't be his son.

"I'm talking to you Harrison! Stop keeping mute to me. We both knew that, Desmond knew nothing about what's happening to him; it's actually our fau---" Miranda couldn't finish her sentence immediately she saw how her husband raised his head to glare at her angrily.

"Next time, don't you ever say it's our fault again; You're solely behind everything that is happening to your son. Don't drag me into your mess..." Harrison says angrily and walks out of the room.

He walked straight to the mini library that is besides their master bedroom and shut the door as he gets in. He sat on the couch which is closer to the bookshelf and stares at their family photo that was hung on the wall.

He started remembering their good old days together when Desmond was still a baby and was so cute and tiny. Suddenly, he becomes sad and heartbroken immediately he heard noises coming from the back of the mansion.

Harrison could heard his son wailing in agony at the dungeon and couldn't control his tears anymore; "How i wish i could help this boy, and take away all his pains so he could be free". He said while tears started strolling down his cheeks...

***Bend City***

Helen showered a lot of love and attention on Kathryn, her daughter. But, ever since Peter found out that, Kathryn wasn't the child of prophecy, he distance himself from his wife and daughter.

He treats his daughter as if, she was adopted and doesn't belong to the part of the family. That doesn't stop Kathryn from respecting and loving her father so much; She works so hard in everything she does, just to make her father to be proud of her.

She hardly sleeps at night because of the training she sets aside for herself. She wanted to become the strongest werewolf in their pack...

As time goes on, Desmond got use to how his father always treat him; and doesn't make a big deal out of it again.

It got to the point that, He no longer needs the help of his guards when going to the dungeon or coming back to the house the next day. He already sets time for doing so everyday.

In order not to feel bored, he usually takes his mobile phone along with him and just to keep himself company. Desmond came to realize that, doing what his father wants will bring peace and love between them.

And it actually worked; because, his father has been getting closer to him due to his obedience. And they no longer lives as strangers in the house anymore...

**Next Morning**

Immediately the sun rises, Desmond woke up in the dungeon. He stood up and took his mobile phone from the floor and heads back into their mansion as usual.

When he got inside, he met his mom and dad on his way to his room; and he was told that, he should get prepared because, they will be hosting some prominent figures from the company in their home later in the day.

He only nods his head and goes straight to his room to freshen up. After he took his bath, he got dressed and heads back to the dining table to join his parent for breakfast...

After the breakfast, Desmond went back to his room to rest before their visitors arrive. He lies down on the bed and brought out his mobile phone to quench his boredom.

He opened his gallery to check out his pictures when he was still a baby; But was surprised as he saw a new video in the video library. He played it, and was surprised immediately he sees inside of the dungeon.

Then, he saw himself scratching his body and hair begins to grow from his skin. He eventually becomes a creature that resembles a very hairy man with claws and fangs.

Bones forcibly elongate and change his shape. He moves so drastically that he could rupture a person's skin; And He started howling angrily in pain...