Chapter 1: The Packs

"Why you? What have i ever done wrong to you? I already corrected my mistakes by loving and trusting you only. But why did you choose to hurt me badly?"

A slimy dog saliva like substance that oozes out along with blood from his snapping joint and all the full on hairy that has sprouted from every inch of his body started going in gradually.

His mangled skin which peels away like banana, and dangerously clawed hands of a beast returned to a normal human form.

The entire body that was in a werewolf shape molded back into place as he continues to spit out blood from his mouth profusely.

"Because that's what you deserve. I never loved you for once. Seeking revenge on you is what i always yearned for. Luckily, i got that today. Go to he---"

She stopped talking immediately she sees that, he no longer moves. She left him alone on the street naked and heads back to where she came from....


In the city of Oregon, they are two werewolf families named: The Morgan's and the Josh's family. They're entirely different in everything from each other. Except for the fact that, they're werewolves.

The Morgan's family are the descendants of Omega (Blue werewolves) and the most powerful werewolf in the century. They resides in Bend. Whilst, The Josh family are the descendants of Beta (Yellow werewolves). They stays in Corvallis.

The both families are always not in good terms because of superiority between them; And they're from different packs. But they've never for once attack or go for each other.

The current head of house in Morgan's family, Peter Morgan is forty-five years old, and he is an engineer who deals with construction of buildings. He has a beautiful wife, Helen Alfred who is about thirty-eight years old. She's five months pregnant and expecting to give birth to the number one most powerful red werewolf (Alpha) according to the prophecy being told by their forefathers.

Helen is being worshipped as a goddess in the whole family due to the prophecy. Everything she need is always intact without her asking for it. Her husband spends most of his time with her and usually skips work at times just to be with her. Helen always goes out every night according to the prophecy.

The Josh family (Yellow wolves), knew about the prophecy due to the book they normally read about human wolves. But doesn't believe in it because, they weren't told by their forefathers. They only sees the prophecy as a fairy tale which can never happen in their lifetime.


In the city of Hillsboro, they lived a great couple, Harrison and Miranda George. Harrison is a successful business man who is about forty years old. He owns the number one most profitable company in the city "Harry Group of company (HGC).

Miranda, Harrison wife, is thirty-five years old, a junior college teacher. She venture into teaching because, she loves being surrounded by kids. Unfortunately, she couldn't get one for almost seven years in marriage. She's already five months pregnant but hasn't stopped teaching.

Miranda is a history teacher. Who loves reading all the fairy tales history to her students during their extra classes. Ever since she got pregnant, she has been having issues with her husband concerning her job.

Harrison has warned her to stop working since she's pregnant already; In order not to stress her and the baby. Miranda insisted on not quitting her job yet, because of how much she loves the kids. The issue has been going on between them for the past three months, without any changes from her.

There's this particular history book that she normally reads for her pupils. It talks about human wolves and their categories... After four months, they got to the last chapter of the history book. She was so excited to read it to her students during the extra class.

That very morning, before her husband left for work, they both had a misunderstanding concerning her job issue because she's already nine months gone. Harrison left for work angrily, and Miranda heads to work too in a sad mood. When she got to the college, during the extra class, she picked up the history book and heads to class...

"Good afternoon class," she greeted the pupils with a smile as she enters and walk slowly to go and sit at the center of the classroom.

"Good afternoon ma'am" they'll answered in chorus.

"I'm sure we are all excited that we are rounding up our history book today right?" She said while opening the book to the last chapter.

"We are ma'am..." They answered with smiles all written on their faces. She made a quiet signal to them all as she places the book on her lap to start reading it;

"After a thousand years, during the fifth red full moon, a pregnant woman would stay directly to the full moon and give birth to the number one most powerful red Wolf (Alpha) with a mark of crown on his left shoulder. The child will be the one to unite all the descendants of wolverine and put an end to the evil wolves by becoming the king of all wolves.

He will be extraordinary powerful and becomes the successor of all wolves kingdom. He shall be born alongside his guardian angel on that exact day. The guardian would be the one to guide and direct him in his ways and also be part of his destruction in future.

We all shall cross paths again; I am the forefather and founder of all human wolverine!! THE END... Wao!!! we all enjoyed ourselves right?" Miranda asked with a smile as she closes the book and placed it on the table.

In chorus with excitement; "Yes, we did". A student suddenly stands up and asked her a question: "Is this still going to happen ma'am?" All the students remained silent and anxious to hear her answer;

*clears throat*

"Well Moses, none of this, is going to happen. It's just a fairly tale history. And as you can see, this is just an ordinary book written by someone like us. So, it has no connection with real human wolves because it doesn't exist in this our century. And moreover, the book is just for fun!!"

She answered him as she stands up gently from the chair and moves closer to the door. All the students burst into laughter with the way she was walking and holding her back.

Miranda bid farewell to them as the extra class comes to an end; And make them understand why she won't be coming back again. Because she's due to give birth any moment from now.

She heads back home immediately she left the class. It was already past 6pm when she finally got home after encountering some issues on her way home with the private taxi she boarded.

*At Bend City*

Peter called Helen to inform her that, there's an emergency at work and he won't be coming back home that evening. He told her of her daily routine and reminded her to stay late outside the house that night since she's due already...