Away from everyone.

"When her mother died, she was in a state of shock. She thought that her life is over. But it was her brother who helped her. He helped her to come out of the shock, the depression. But soon, her father started engaging himself with other ladies. His affairs started coming out in media too.

And one day, her father came with a son. It was his illegitimate child! He was elder to both brother-sister siblings. They all got to know that her father had an affair before their mother died."

Anna closed her eyes. She was feeling mixed emotions right now. One side, she was feeling so sorry for Kath and her brother but was feeling anger inside her for Kath's father.

Seeing Anna like this, Sean knew he told her what he shouldn't. But he has to tell her everything so that Anna goes and tells this all to his Kath.

"You know brother. I feel so pity for Kath and her brother that I might kill her father." Anna said while lifting her eyes.