Have we met before?

Everyone turned around and saw a lady standing with a tray having glasses of water for everyone.

"KATH! Come, let me introduce you." Anna ran to her and kept her arm around her shoulder as if they were very old friends.

"Guys, she is my friend Kath and here, she is Alena, Reyan and there is Alex. Alex come here!" Anna shouted but Alex remains fixed at his spot. He was shocked and surprised to see Kath here. Everyone had gone near Kath except Alex.

'Wasn't she together with Sean? Why the hell is she with Anna today?' Alex thought and as if hearing Anna's voice, he started walking towards her.

"Alex, she is Kath. Kath, he is my good friend Alex." Anna said cheerfully but she didn't know that her smiling face was building up tension and nervousness in Alex's mind.

Kath narrowed her eyes after seeing Alex. "Alex, have we met each other?" Kath cautiously asked. She had somehow felt that this face was similar to someone. She had seen him before, maybe?