Someone Following us!

Anna dragged Alex to his car. As they both didn't have any other classes, they both were free now. Anna sat on the driving seat and tied a black color cloth on Alex's eyes. It was like a black blindfold.

"Anna, what are you even doing? Why can't I see where are we going?" Alex felt it was really uncomfortable for him. He was a fighter person and his eyes, senses were everything for him so being blindfolded was a difficult task for him to sit quietly.

"No! You can't see it. I will open it when we reach the destination." Anna persistently said. Hearing her say like this, Alex can only sigh and cooperate with her in this. Can someone even make Anna a great, change in her mind? Well, No!

He had no idea where she was taking him. She wasn't even telling and guessing did not work at all. All that was asked from him was to stay still and talk with her and he did as she asked him to do so with utmost respect and patience.