Bold and Bold!

Mr. and Mrs.Asher took both of them to the drawing-room. Alex was surprised to see that the house is decorated so well. But what caught Alex's eyes were the paintings that were hanging on the walls.

He was so much attracted to them that he can't shift eyes to somewhere else. Walking towards them, he touched it delicately like it a precious baby.

The painting was about a female dog trying to feed her puppy. It indicated the mother-child bond. Alex has seen a lot of paintings in his life, even of top painters. But this was on the next level! It also demonstrated another bond of mother-child and one will surely feel it after laying their eyes on it once!

"So beautiful." He mumbled to himself.

"I know." Alex heard Anna's voice behind him. It was a little shocking that she knew about these paintings so much which means she comes here regularly?