
Alex kept his calmness. His face did not show any expression but he can see the fear on Scott's face."Bring it to me." Alex said and Scott can detect that his brother's voice has become cold. Scott came near him and handed his phone.

Alex took one glance and then swiped towards left rejecting his father's call!

There was no need to answer those people who were selfish and mean. He did not care about his parents and family, except his grandparents. He then again was going to cut the cake. Scott clapped his hands while Alex cut the cake. "Brother, make a wish also!" Alex knew nothing as this happens but seeing Scott's excitement, he was not able to reject him.

But unknown to him, maybe his wish will help him in the future to achieve his goal. He needed a lot of luck.

He closed his eyes and made a wish. When he opened the eyes, Scott asked him "Brother, what wish you made?"