The Plan!

Anna had though agreed to be a part of it but she never thought her father will be so fast to start it!

"Ca..n we do it after some time?" Anna needed more time to mentally prepare herself.

Tomorrow was too much sudden for her. Anna heard silence on the other hand. But after a few minutes, she heard her father's calm voice.

"Si, you are going to be crowned after your exams which means in the ceremony, you have to meet everyone, either they are from the underworld or our enemy too. It will be officially announced then. So, from that time, there might be an attack on you. For that, you need to be prepared beforehand so that everyone thinks at least that Walker family still has a powerful leader, heir with them and no one will try to backstab you even if they wish to."

Liam was in this field for a long time now. He understood business tactics better than anyone in the family.