Let Anna blossom first.

Anna felt her blood being soaked and face leaving its color when she heard this voice again, from her back. It was none other than Chris Steve, the demon whom she did not want to meet. Though Anna knew it is impossible to avoid him but all she wanted was time.

He appeared out of nowhere and that too on a family dinner?!?!

Was he a family till yet?! A big no for it! He was not family because they are not engaged until properly. there was no ring on her fingers after all. It was just a fixed marriage bye mouth.

"Oh, not at all. We were just starting. Come, sit." Grandfather Walker said cheerfully but in return, he received a sharp gaze from Anna. Her eyes have already turned cold after seeing this guy here. But Chris ignored the awkward atmosphere and instead, he took the chair out beside Anna and sat as if he was not invited, he was already a member of the family.