Chris's anger!

Jack sighed when he witnessed Chris's anger. This was not the first time that Anna has insulted him. Then why is he getting so much angry all of the sudden? Maybe because this has been after a long period that something like this happens. Although Jack knew many things happened in past, so this was not the first time.

Earlier, four years ago, she used to say all bad things to Chris. Even after that, she left his life. That was the best decision, but her delusion that she can get away from Chris!

But his obsession grew day by day. This did not love at any cost!

"You know Jack?? SHE KISSED THAT GUY?!! All these years, she never let me even kiss her on cheeks and that bastard kissed her!" Chris's anger was hitting the roof. Even imagining that Anna, his fiance, his love in the arms of someone else, and kissing someone else except him makes him feel like shit. That to her first kiss!

He was her damn fiance! he should have that right, no one else!