How dare you come inside?!

After coming to her home, Anna looked at the celebrations decorations that were there. Everyone was sitting in the middle hall having their afternoon tea. Anna did not want to interact with them for now, so she directly went into her room.

Closing the door behind her, Anna opened the closet and removed every clothing she had. But then, she saw what she wanted to have. There was a hidden door in her room! This was built by none other than Seb fo her safety.

Once again making sure that everything is locked and no one can enter her room, Anna opened the secret door and went inside, it was pitched dark inside so Anna used her torch for it. This pathway was similar to go to Seb's area.

And then, Anna reached the last door. No one believes that she, Anna walker has such a place for herself. It was where all her private things have been kept. She had hidden all her memories inside it.