Whom do Anna loves more?!

Early update

Enjoy reading! ^ ^





Alex reached back into the apartment and then his first sight was of Scott, sitting on the slap of the kitchen with the help of a stool and trying to make something.

They did not have dinner at Walker's grand party. They were too distracted there as to keep a constant check at what Chris was doing as well as on what his parents intend to do there. Scott was not hungy and also, he was scared that what will happen at home.

Now that Scott was wearing an apron and his small hands were trying to open the packet of a maggie. Well, a maggie at night was not a bad idea, right?

"Scott…" Alex took his attention to himself and walked to him. Pulling his sleeves up, he took the maggie packet from him and then, started cooking it. Though Scott did not know how to make a maggie, but he knew that he loves it.