Will Anna come to Alex?!

It's a regular chapter, just an author note added to it, please read it.

[Author's note- Guys, I've been writing this novel for so long. But sometimes I feel there is no support. Neither we are in the top 200 nor you guys use coins to unlock chapters. It's really disheartening and we as authors have our breakdown if we don't get support.

I'm grateful for them, who vote constantly. But it's a request to use coins to unlock the chapter. I'm continuing the novel because I feel you like it, but when I see that no one is using coins, it demotivated me!

I don't want to drop the novel at all, just need your support a little more! Thank you! Continue reading]



Alex was standing at the top of the building. This was the highest building in the Zuak Land of the south. The whole city can be seen from here, with many lights on and the nightlife too. A clear overview of all the main attractions appeared small here.