You disappointed me, Anna!

Please do use coins to unlock chapters!

Humble request~

Thank you!








Anna looked at his face with her bewildered eyes. She doesn't know what to say to him anymore. Sometimes, he appears just too easy going and sometimes, too complicated for her.

"What did I do wrong this time?" Anna straightforwardly asked him.

"Don't try to hide it, Anna. I know you are behind with whatever happened today. Although I took Kevin's name, just because I had a doubt. But this doesn't mean that I'm not aware of your meeting with him once." 

Anna felt the hairs of her hands standing up. His words made her surprised to the core because she hadn't expected him to keep a watch over her!

"I..I.. already told you about what I want." She was a clear mind from way before and from her point of view, there was nothing hidden from him!