Can we do it?

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Next morning.

Anna got up at her daily routine, got Kiara ready, and helped her to pack her bags. Along with it, she made breakfast as her mother, Marie was fast asleep as she heard the door open very late in the night. 

But after that, Anna's phone, which was laying on the dining table, rang. Anna, who was working in the kitchen, switched off the stove and picked it up as she saw the dealer, "Yes?"

"Ma'am, there is a very important meeting shifted to today." She can hear her secretary's harsh and very uneasy voice from the other side which made her frown

"what do you mean? There wasn't any meeting today instead, every meeting was pushed to the next week. I asked you to do this on an urgent basis." Anna can't keep her calm but she wasn't able to guess which meeting he is talking about?