Do you miss him?!

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After hearing Alena's trembling voice, Anna wasn't able to say no to her. Bidding goodbye to Kiara, she left the home, with Kiara under the care of her mother. 

But yes, Kiara was super upset that her mother had to go once again out of the night. But as the smart baby, she checked her mom's phone and saw that it was Alena's call last time. 

She knew that Alena's aunt is her mother's best friend and this time, she let it go because she thought that maybe Alena really needs her mom right now. If there was someone else, and if there were more work matter related things, she would have got angry with her mom right there 

Coming in front of the club, Anna looked here and there to find the sign of Alena but to her dismay, she wasn't here. There was no sign for her to find and Anna was getting nervous for no reason.