Bigger problem!

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Tears came in her eyes, as her hand started paining as well. There was a sign of swelling on her hand now, as she had smashed on the wall too hard but it doesn't matter to her. 

What has occupied her, who had kidnapped her child?! How is her child?!

"Anna, fighting wouldn't help. We need to go out of here right now!" Saying this, Sean took Anna's arm and dragged her out of the principal's office, without Anna's permission because she was in a state of shock rather.

On the other hand, Kath followed them behind because she knew what these brothers and sisters can fight at any time!

"Anna, why are you behaving like a madwoman right now? This behavior won't make any good out of you and Kiara won't come back at this matter!" Sean rarely shouts at Anna but this time, he needs to make sure that she stays silent and acts smartly instead of uttering nonsense here and there.