You are close to me!

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On the other hand, Alena felt some light was falling on her face. Opening her eyes slowly and slowly, she looked at the sunshine coming from out of the window and falling on her beautiful face.

But at the same time, her heartfelt relief wash over her. She wasn't in her own room, not in her own house but at the same time, he knew that is safe. At least this concern l was something satisfied because she can feel the warmness spreading all over her heart and body.

Looking at her clothes, Alena felt that she was still wearing those clothes which she wore to the bar. Although it wasn't any coincidence at least this is grateful that he didn't try to touch her.

Waking up from the end, she saw that there was nobody in the room at the current. Walking beside her bed, she found it cold and it was evident that no one slept here.