His hurtful past! (2)

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"Something happened with you and your mother?" Alena asked in a soft voice but she can feel that his aura doped immensely. His grip on the drink's glass tightened when she noticed that he was burning in the pit of rage and anger. 

He has gone through a lot and she can see this through his eyes and it was almost difficult for him to get out of it. 

Until now, he hasn't spoken about it or discussed it with someone else. It was hidden like a deep secret inside his heart only. 

Getting up, she took the glass from his hands and asked him to sit on the couch so that he can relax a little bit. Jack didn't decline and did as she asked him to do. After all, he was too occupied to think about the past. 

He was purely lost, with his eyes and daze. A simple hand and comfort came to him when Alena sat along with him.