(Artistic name+ Fandom naming suggestions.)

(Group names+ Fandom name suggestions.)


The following week Dae-ho did his workout strictly. Followed by exercising his breathing and voice, every single day.

On the second day of exercising his Body stat had grown by 2, it is great to see your efforts are having gains.

He had added breathing and voice training to the routine since it is actually an important thing, many people might say you are born with a great voice or something. While that is true, it doesn't mean that without training you will not improve your voice.

People with a great voice for singing actually sing more often than people who say they can't sing. It is obvious that the difference will only grow and grow. Singing you're not doing anything or singing while cooking or in the bath, those little periods singularly might seem little but together it is an immense amount of time.

Just singing from time to time will improve and strengthen the tissues o the vocal cords. This helps will help if you do concerts or just speak for long periods of time, since you require big amounts of effort to hit certain notes or just continuously use the voice for an extended time.

Obviously, singing will help in endurance and in breathing, while you sing people tend to correct the body posture for easier airflow which is needed because while singing you will need more air and with a better posture there will be an easier trade of air in your body and plus who doesn't like to walk upright. (I am just saying that come to my mind if something is wrong please do tell me)

While singing does help in your breathing Dae-ho still added a breathing season to his routine. It was actually just 1'30'' hours of exercising, 30 of singing, and 15 to breathing.

It is actually useful to have breathing only time since overall it will help you clear your mind, it isn't to the point of meditation or anything but it helps you in calming down and bringing focus to you're body.

It's just something you need in order to discipline yourself. Many times people will act rashly or in rage instead of taking a deep breath and thinking through. More oxygen to the brain is a plus. Sometimes.

Obviously, that is with feelings involved, but if he couldn't control himself while alone how would he do the same with people around him? So Dae-ho had to do it.

One thing to be noted is the fact he didn't have any way to dance. Dancing in plain white sky and people watching? Too embarrassing. Inside the apartment? Too little space, so it was a dilemma, it was something he had to become better, but Dae-ho just shook his head.

'One step at a time.' He thought until he heard Rose's voice.

[Actually, you should not worry about training that yet. Once you unlock the shop there will be something to help. Oops I spoke too much.]

Dae-ho smiled hearing her. If there was something that she kept doing was urging him to unlock the shop function, which by the way he didn't know how to unlock.

He just shrugged it off, what was to come would come. Now though Dae-ho was actually thinking about something important.

This being a parallel world with different people meant that the works from his reality weren't released here. It is something he could use in his favour, he had been following the trends in music and listening to many genres of music so it wasn't like he didn't have a deep music pool.

Even in his original world, he had learned to play the piano and the guitar. His voice was average though even with training it, but his skills on instruments were legit.

He wasn't that world breaking with making his own pieces that moved people's hearts and all that, but he had joined some competitions and although never won even a medal he had been in the top 10's when participated.

It was something he was proud of and although he wasn't that enthusiastic with classic music he had his own taste in piano pieces. If he was on You**be and heard a piece he liked he would try and replicate it by ear. It is a thing people who never had a teacher gain, maybe like skill in the real world.

It is actually quite normal to replicate a song or something that you like. Obviously, you go by the sound of the keys, although hard in the beginning but the moment you get used to the keys and sound of each key you will know what is used while listening to a song. The same goes for the guitar, although he preferred the piano more.

And he could capitalize on that, for now having a label and all that would not help for now. He had to give time to the people. Nothing is better at healing people's opinions than time. Obviously relating things like lack of skill. It wasn't like he had hit people or anything it had been the opposite.

So his first task for the day was using money to buy a guitar. He had to be realistic and both relating space and money he had a guitar would be the best choice for now.

So with everything set and a plan he grabbed a mask and went outside.

He was just wearing a grey hoodie coupled with blue jeans since he didn't have any other color and black sneakers he had.

After about 10 minutes of walking, he had found an instrument shop. He actually remembered this shop because of the former owner's memories, he had taken a liking to an acoustic guitar shown here.

But he didn't know to play the guitar so he just gave up, at the time he didn't have time to even learn the instrument.

Walking inside the store Dae-ho walked to the counter and spoke to the employee, who had already noticed him.

''Sir, I would like to buy a black guitar you guys had in the storefront. '' Dae-ho inquired to the man while smiling with his eyes.

The employee was giving him the odd eyes but it was something Dae-ho expected, a man with a mask just comes into the store, the person would be 1 a robber or 2 a celebrity.

''Ah, yes we have some in the storage. I will get it you now sir.'' The man was respectful and went right into action.

After a little bit, he came back with the familiar guitar he had seen. The man then passed the bar code and said.

''It will be 280 WP it has a 30% discount, sir'' He said while smiling.

Dae-ho gave the man the required money and walked home excited and happy. It was a new life and many possibilities were open and this excited him. Midway from his house, he remembered something. He then walked into an electronics store and bought a microphone and a camera all this for 300WP in total.

The former owner of the body didn't spend much money and with the termination of the contract, he had suffered a hit. But what had saved him was the fact that he never spent much for himself. In the end, he had a good 2000 WP to use that now went down to a rough 1420 WP minus the 150 he paid for rent and all that he could use in the end 800WP which was a good thing.

At the door of the store he pondered on buying a computer too but he shook his head. He had to buy a good computer after all its better in those things to buy expensive and a good one to be around for a granted 3 years than a bad one. He shook his head and as the addict, he was in shopping went back to buy headsets that cost him 150WP. (650WP)

And like that he went home happy. With all his new things.

He plugged everything in when he arrived home and sat down on the bed with the guitar in hands, while he had a smile on his face.

The familiar touch of the guitar was enough for him, but then something surprised him.

[Congratulations. Guitar skill unlocked.]

[Guitar- 65]

This shocked him and with doubt written on his face, he asked.

''Rose was the kid actually a genius in guitar?''

[No, matter of fact this is just your own experience here. The skills unlocked were just of the former body since that is what was rewarded. Your own abilities when unlocked will be with the evaluation of yourself. In the case of both having the skill it is the highest.]

'' So Rose you are telling me my voice was that bad?'' Dae-ho asked with a dejected tone.

[Yes host. Voice can be trained but there are people who shouldn't use it even after training.]

Dae-ho became speechless after hearing his heartless system diss him, what had he done wrong to deserve it?

He shook his head and got to tuning the guitar in the end.


Penname for his anonymous endeavor. I am bad at naming so hold the opportunity while you have it.