2nd upload

(Artistic name+ Fandom naming suggestions.)

(Group names+ Fandom name suggestions.)

titi81 thank you so much for the 2 more.


Everything could be considered to go well and as expected for him. The next 3 days had been repetitive for him, wake up go for his morning exercise, eat a nutritious meal made with items from the system shop.

The ingredients were enough for only one meal, which was quite a shame. He grew 2 KGs (Lil bit less than 5 lbs), the surprising thing though is the fact that in 24 views he had moved 8 people which had bagged him 40 View points, let us remember that moving someone heart for a song was something hard to achieve because it had to be accepted by someone to an emotional level.

It made him happy after all it meant that people recognized his work and wholeheartedly liked it. With those points, he managed to buy the required items for 2 meals. Which was 16 VP's for each meal.

After having a meal he would buy an energy drink from the shop and do a heavier workout but this time focusing on the upper side of his body.

He had to grind towards a six pack, after all, it wasn't going to be built by itself, with the bonuses that the food gave he would get to his goal eventually. He weighted 56 KGs and now he was at 58 Kgs so he was getting there.

He was grinding while looking at his 24 VP's left, it was low but for him right now it was a huge amount. Dae-ho had to be realistic, it doesn't matter if you make good content/music on a platform as big as WorldHub, the entire world is can watch content on it but who will watch things of new artists? The person had to be really bored to actually find the video, or really want to find a theme that bad.

It was hard for new content creators after all people most of the time just try to find videos relating to a certain channel they like or certain topic, he had to be lucky to blow within these first day's and he knew that wasn't happening, and getting peoples attention early wasn't as good as people thought.

If you want to build a solid fanbase he needed to take it step by step, besides 24 views in what 5 after uploading, lucky enough.

After practicing the song he decided to just wait for dawn after all it would give a better visual feeling for the music he was going to play for the next video.

When night arrived and was around the time he wanted to record, to make time he decided to go to his World Channel and see if he had any comments on his video.

He opened his computer and there were 2 comments on his video. Seeing the username of one of them had gotten him slightly shocked.

(RyuuNO1Fan- Thank you for your video, this music is what I need for these rough times, I fell in love with everything about this music and video <3 Although is hard for a person like me to say it don't cry!)

(titi81- Love this music)

Dae-ho liked both the comments, he didn't know if he should respond to the comments but he did it still. Truth be told the first comment's username was just too much for him, just one song was enough for someone to become his fan? That person must be a person with a good vision he thought. If he was famous that nick would be worth quite a bit no?

Obviously, he was just joking to shrug off the extra weight that he felt by reading the comment, he wanted to give his fan the best after all.

With a look of determination, he prepared everything for the second recording. After a couple of minutes, there he was looking at the camera. He took a big breath and placed a black ring on his thumb right after the fingers moved toward the guitar, the sound of strings began playing.

You needed fast hands to play the music and be comfortable and skilled. The music just drew you in by the uprising beat of it. Dae-ho was there just appreciating his performance, the sense of urgency this music gave him.

He just loved playing this music. He played and played the music and the time seemed as if passing fast since the next moment he had finished. He sighed, such nostalgic music. He didn't know how many times he had messed up playing this music.

He smiled brightly and stopped recording. He was in a very good mood after all. Saved the files of the video and audio on the computer and stretched his back. He decided to reward himself with some local food.

With light feet, he hurried outside and went to a nearby family restaurant. What he ordered was Jajangmyeon which the locals supposedly praised a lot.

He never gave himself the luxury to try it before since he had been busy and ruining himself with overwork, but now that he had a slow life he would enjoy it.

The food looked especially delicious when in front of him, he smiled childishly, and before doing his ritual before eating he dug in, food tasted like heaven, he couldn't stop smiling even though he was munching on the food he just kept smiling like an idiot.

[It looks like you don't like the ingredients in the shop...] Rose said with a slight downcast voice.

Dae-ho hurriedly denied it and began a conversation with Rose in his mind. He had the habit of talking to Rose out loud when he was sure he was alone but when he was in public places he would talk to her in his mind. It took him a bit to get used to it but everything so people wouldn't think he was crazy.

The meal ended and after paying and leaving a paper with him praising the cook he left the shop.

It had been a really beautiful day. After a little bit he began hearing sounds coming from an alley, he got the thought of ignoring the sound but he unconsciously moved towards it.

After entering the alley he saw a little ball of fur there in a box trembling.

Dae-ho looked at it and the same for the blue feline eyes of the ball of fur. Both stared deeply at each other. Dae-ho had a weakness, and he brought it with his soul too. He loved cats.

He didn't want to be living with 20 cats around him but he liked to have one to chill with him.

He looked toward the little thing and with saddened eyes, he went closer. The little kitten began walking backward after all he was a stranger. But Dae-ho took his time to approach the kitten. He took off his mask hoping the little cat would ease while looking at his slight bruised face, smiling gently towards it.

The first thing he did was crouch beside the box and opposite to the kitten and he just extended his hand and left his hand in the direction of the kitten and in at a height that it would reach.

He didn't want to stress the little thing anymore and wanted it to get used to him first. He had decided to take the little kitten home.

After a bit, the little cat curiously wobbled towards his hand and sniffed it. Meanwhile, Dae-ho just looked gently. The little kitten looked at his eyes from time to time and as if enchanted by his charm it began rubbing his little head on his hand signaling for a pet.

Dae-ho giggled and began petting the furball, after half an hour he was out of the window with a little cat in his arms. The cat just lay there in his arm and slow movements could be seen from his body he had fallen asleep.

When he got home he placed the cat on top of one of his pillows on the bed and he too cleaned himself up and wore his pijama to sleep.

The next day after waking up, his first sight was a pair of curious deep blue eyes staring at him. This scene melted him and he grabbed the little kitten and began kissing it, he just couldn't handle it.

''Good morning little thing and you too Rose.'' Dae-ho said it was a routine to greet Rose when he woke up.

He went to clean himself and grab his training suit before he remembered that the kitten hadn't probably eaten for a long time.

''Hey, Rose do you have cat food?'' Dae-ho asked since he was troubled the neared animal shop was 20 mins from his house and he didn't want to let the cat wait longer.

[Yes I already knew you would ask me so I came prepared.]

[Regular cat food- 5 VP

Just regular cat food.

Lil Mackerel- 10 VP (In discount)

Enchanted fish flavored little biscuits specially made for animals consumption, will the cat from any bad thing on its body. Everything for a strong cat. Can be purchased 2 times. In discount.

Special cat treat- 13 VP

It has a special effect. I wonder what it is. Can be bought 1 time.]

He looked at the items available and decided to buy a Lil Mackerel and a special cat treat. He believed Rose wouldn't cheat him so he went for it. It was worth it to buy the Lil mackerel to make sure the cat would be healthy and have no issues. The system was better than a doctor after all. Magic over humanity.

He grabbed a bowl from the kitchen and placed the biscuits in it. The little cat was drooling by the sheer smell of it and ate the bowl cleanly, and had a satisfied expression on its feline face. Dae-ho just looked at the little thing eating with a smile. ''Rose can you confirm the sex of my kitten please?''

[Your cat is a female.]

Rose replied as if she knew he would ask her that. Hearing the answer he smiled and went to the little kitten and petted her head, in which the little thing purred in delight.

'' I will be calling you Nisha.''

With a new addition to the house, the days became brighter for Dae-ho besides working out, editing the video, and adding tweaks here and there to the audio with software he previously had on the computer in which he foolishly didn't use. It was software given by the previous company he belonged to, and the software was made for pros so it would add a lot of quality to the audio and add simple sounds to it.

It took him a full week to complete the work and with a proud face, he just typed the title and uploaded the video.

[Interstellar- Ryuu]

With that, his work was done, and decided to rest beside his very beautiful kitten.


For those who want to hear what he uploaded. In youtube it is Interstellar- Main Theme (acoustic guitar) Ray

Obviously for those who want to hear the original work and everything just listen to the Interstellar playlist. The playlist they had for the movie was beautiful.Tick-Tock, Wormhole, Day One Dark, Day One, etc... The artist of the playlist is HANS ZIMMER and he has lots of good things for those who like that type of music just listen to him.