
(Artistic name+ Fandom naming suggestions.)

(Group names+ Fandom name suggestions.)

Thank you titi81, ZeroAstro, GlazingWindRider, RoyalWelf, Asurarudra, Sayko, ShadowGM, Daosist21 for the stones !! You guys keep throwing them at me. Hope you guy knows that I am reading everyone that gives stones to me and comments, you guys are the best.

Yesterday I couldn't write, cause 1 my setup softly broke and is on repair, 2 cause I didn't know what acc I was using for this novel, and 3 cause I am an idiot for the most part. So sorry...


A girl could be seen on her desk at school. She was a pretty girl, she had everything going for her in looks sake, nothing that was out of this world and certainly not the prettiest at school, but she didn't mind about that. What is the purpose of being pretty if you don't feel good about yourself anyway?

She was looking towards her teacher with an attentive eye, sinking everything that was taught, she was there on the top rank in school gradings.

Because that was what her parents wanted from her. It is simple right? Parental pressure, or what she thought was that was the case.

''Do well at school. Don't go out at night. Clean the house. Do this do that.'' This was her daily routine, she was obedient and did everything yet there wasn't a moment where they recognized her work as if it was her job. In a sense that was true but even in a full time job the boss would praise his employees for motivation, why couldn't the people she lived and shared her life with since she was born to do that?

She had a boyfriend 8 months ago and she had told her parents about it, yet they were met by responsibility talks about how she should be careful about him and how malicious people could be.

She knew that already. It wasn't hard to know about the dangers of life but should she not give her second half the trust he deserved?

The girl thought about all this while her dark brown eyes kept staring at her teacher. Even if the teacher's words came from an ear and left right away on the other one.

Thinking about how her relationship with her boyfriend or ex boyfriend ended bought a painful and sad wave of emotions to her, which she masked. Behind the well behaved girl that everyone wanted her to be.

Her ex-boyfriend had cheated on her, and when she confronted him. He said it was her fault for not giving him attention and that everything besides the slight pecks on lips seemed as if they were friends, so he just stopped caring about the relation. She knew this was going to happen but she never thought that he would actually cheat before talking to her. After that, she just holed herself in her room, drowning in sadness and the tears she spilled. For days she had been like that. To the point that even now there were slightly noticeable bags under her eyes.

Her phone received a notification. She knew what it was and she immediately raised her hand masking and controlling the urge to smile.

The teacher looked at her and asked. ''Yes Yuna what is it?'' He spoke with a gentle tone, that student was his pride after all, well behaved, respectful, disciplined, and above it she had the grades to back it off, a perfect fit of what a student should be.

The woman called Yuna stood up. '' Teacher may I go to the bathroom?''

''Ah! Yes yes, you can go.'' the teacher replied the next second.

Yuna just smiled and went to the bathroom. She walked inside one of the many cabins and took her phone from the pockets in her blazer jacket. (You know those from school uniforms.) Coupled with her earphones.

She connected the earphones to the phone and clicked on the notification. A video on WorldHub. She saw the views and realized she wasn't the first one which brought a pount to her face, that she shook off immediately.

Placing her earphones on her ears fast, then looked and tapped on her screen to play.

The familiar masked man she saw almost every day. His eyes were just too addictive to her and she made sure to watch his videos to satiate the hunger she had developed in his eyes. Eyes that seemed to understand her, eyes that wanted to move forward those same eyes that shone for her to face this problematic and sorrowful period of her life. Those same eyes that captivated her could be seen on this new video once again.

She smiled and wondered about the position of the black guitar on his lap but her doubts were driven away after a little bit.

The music made her travel to another world, she felt it with her body. Maybe it is mostly because she felt a connection to the man playing, but everything he played just hit her differently. That is how she knew the first time she was a fan, the man's music gave her a feeling no other artist gave.

As the man played she just felt herself being driven by many feelings and the sense of urgency the music was giving her thrilled her. The sound of the cords of the guitar, each transition on rhythm bringing an electrifying sensation to her.

The man had added another instrument to the song, something he hadn't done on his previous ones. But she liked it nonetheless, it brought depth to it.

After listening to the entire thing, she sighed and with her heart beating in wonders, she did the routine and was about to like the video when something picked her attention.

Yes, the man Ryuu who never wrote in the description on the other videos had written on his description.

[Hello, everyone this is Ryuu and I just wanted to inform my regular viewers and fan that I have created social media accounts, ''Ryuu'' I am happy because the ID was available there and the picture is the same as the profile picture here in WorldHub.

Another thing to note is that I have signed a contract with Shining Entertainment, again for those who have been with me for this short period of time. Thank you.]

She read the information and smiled, even more, this meant that the man was in her country. She was a fan and knowing that the person you supported was near just gave her a pleasing sensation coupled with the thrill she had for him, he had made a contract with a label and that could explain the increase in quality of the sound of the video. She hoped he could get his hands on a 4k camera so she could see those eyes in 4k resolution.

Yuna decided to leave a comment on the video about how proud and supportive she was and about how she loved the music.

Then she went to her SocialHub and searched for the man, and has he had said the same profile picture was there, with his mask and cap, looking awkwardly to the camera with a cat in his arms. Yuna guessed the cat was his own cat and if it was so she would buy one too.

The moment she subscribed to his account and saw that it didn't have anything yet posted made her smile bitterly, but she assumed Ryuu was a shy guy so didn't think too much about it. She changed her SocialHub @ to 1stFanOfRyuu, she puffed her modest chest proudly and realized she had been in the bathroom for a long time, rushing towards the classroom once again.

Now she felt the privilege of being the role model of a student and when she arrived if she hadn't apologized the teacher wouldn't even say anything. She sat down on her desk with a goofy smile on her face. A girl on the side looked at her and shook her head, she obviously knew what Yuna had gone to do. She was close to Yuna and knew her new infatuation, she admitted that the mysterious man was talented and his eyes were mesmerizing but she just couldn't understand just why her friend was like this after 1 video, but better being infatuated and happy than sad and with signs of depression. Besides everyone had a crush on someone on the internet so as long as it wasn't giving her more harm than good it was a good thing in the end.

She decided to tease her on the next break. Little did she know that her attempt of tease would bring her to get hooked on a piece of music for 2 days.


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