School 2

Daeho was in front of the mirror while looking at himself, it was really strange to be wearing such a color, the pink uniform was interestingly bright.

It is not like the pink color was repulsive to him, but looking at yourself in such a bright color coupled with the fact that he himself wore mostly darker colors, it was really weird to see. But he didn't have another option after all his mother insisted on the pink get up. So to say that her favorite color was pink...

He scratched the back of his head while he looked at himself, in the end, he just sighed, he had to be used to many styles and colors after all once he debuted, opposite of his last group, he would have to dress in many styles and everything depending on the season, the songs on the album and all around that. To top it off it wouldn't be him the one choosing the clothes since there were professionals assigned for that. So the moment someone else was choosing his clothes there would be bound to be discomfort sometimes, and he had to comply. Daeho knew well just how much pondering and drafts the stylists did to come up with a getup for a performance or event, and the moment he didn't accept because of color or because he felt awkward about it, it would just mean he wasn't acknowledging the work done by a team assigned for him.

Obviously, he himself had a bottom line and so long as it didn't cross to a show parts of the body he didn't to show or wearing a dress and so on, it would be fine. But that is something that stylist teams didn't do. Or he hoped they didn't.

He shook his head and looked at himself once more in the mirror. He picked his phone and took a picture of himself. It wasn't anything that fancy and he just extended his right arm with the phone and angled it so his entire body could be seen. Tilted his head a little to the right and with his left hand close to his left eye he did a V sign, with a small smile and his left eye closed. It was a cute pose that showed the uniform, and after taking 2 to 3 pictures and sending them to his mother, he sighed in relief.

Daeho had training in posing for pictures years back and it had been his mother, who taught him everything. She was really strict in her lessons relating that, and every picture he sent her would be evaluated. She complained a lot about his wardrobe but it was something even he knew was lacking for a long time.

After sending the pictures, he picked a white school backpack, that had been sent by his mother and went outside. It was currently 7:40 and he had 10 minutes to get to school. It would be awkward if he arrived late on the first day, but nothing to worry about since his manager Sangmi would be his driver to school.

It was her suggestion and Daeho accepted it with open arms. The school was around 7/8 minutes drive from the dormitory, and 7/8 minutes by car, which would be 20 to 30 mins by foot, and walking even earlier wasn't an option since he had to rest well. Cutting sleep would be detrimental in the long run.

Once he outside, Daeho spotted his agent/manager, she was still in her black trouser attire she was too formal in the way she dressed.

She was leaning on the car while she was munching on something, that Daeho assumed to be little chocolate sticks. Something that Daeho discovered she enjoyed one day when the pack she usually had on her blazer pocket fell.

This in itself was not important, but the simple fact that she usually ate them because she quit smoking was. Supposedly she had quit smoking a little bit after the events on the former group she took care of, this in itself was a topic she avoided but briefly told him.

It was great to see someone changing although it was because of a bad event it was commendable the way she wanted to move forward even with bettering her health.

Once he spotted him so did Sangmi, and she just smiled bitting on the stick faster, and went inside the car. Daeho didn't take long to get inside too, sitting beside the driver seat.

''Good Morning Sangmi Sister.'' Daeho while sitting.

Sangmi smiled in return and took the pack of chocolate sticks out and pointed in his direction and answered. '' Hello Daeho, do you want one?''

It was a frequent thing between them since after the discovery he had tried one and enjoyed it, it then became a norm for Sangmi to offer some to him.

Daeho gladly accepted and took 2 sticks and nibbled on them slowly. While driving Sangmi kept shifting her eyes from the road toward him. Daeho just sighed.

''Is it weird?''

Sangmi just shook her head and chuckled a little. ''It is rather refreshing to look at, I should note it for future use.''

Daeho just shook his head at her antics, he just hoped she would not do that, black was more comfortable to wear.

'' Ah! Right, there is something I have to tell you, next week you will probably feel rather lonely.'' Sangmi said slowly.

Daeho was slightly confused so he asked her while tilting his head slightly.''Hmm? Why?''

''It is just that the company is going to start using the trainees in many shows. Trainee shows to be more exact, you won't be participating since you know. But out of that others in the top 20 will go. For the group of girls you usually meet, they are going to be in a group show. And Oliver, Jun, and Allan are going to a trainee camp show. It is the privilege of the exams. Priority in trainee shows for exposure.''

She paused slightly to look at Daeho's reaction and seeing his lack of reaction she continued.

''It is normally the top 5. But since we haven't been participating and the invites have been piling up, the chairwoman decided to do this move. I am telling you this because soon there will be debuts and you should work hard since you will have less exposure than the rest. We are going to give you special training instead of the shows.''

Daeho nodded while listening to her.'' Well... I was expecting something like this, but didn't expect it to be so many people, ill be a little lonely without them.''

Sangmi began laughing. '' Well you don't have to worry in mid December, everyone should be back. Meanwhile, you will be having hell training with the best instructors we have.''

Daeho nodded, having someone good to teach, will bring many benefits to himself since it was an obvious thing with the Ballet granny, it was harder and harder to bring a stat up now, but weirdly enough at the end of her classes is when he had gotten the most +1's in dancing. This just showed how much having someone good instructing you helped. It narrowed the time for the breakthrough, and for him who now had a hard time improving stat wise, was a great thing.

''It is going to get busy...'' He said and looked out of the window. They had finally arrived at their destination.