Chapter 7

King Cold and Cooler where surprised to see that they suddenly teleported to an barren planet.

Cold- Interesting technique you got there saiyan i will make sure to wring it out of you when you will be dying. Now Cooler go and finish off.

Cooler- Very well father.

Cooler then rushes up to blaze and throws a kick to his abdomen. But blaze easily blocked his kick and holding his leg, he delivers a devastating punch to cooler that bends him up in air and makes him spit blood. And blaze then followed it up with a roundhouse kick that made him fly to his father.

Blaze- (smirks)Come on is that all you got? You are not even a warm up for me. I know your race can transform so go ahead and transform i will wait for you.

Cooler- is this possible? How can a Saiyan be this strong? (do i really have to transform to my final form?)

Cold- Son, looks like he is not an ordinary saiyan. We have to attack him from both sides lets go.

Saying this both of them attacked blaze from left and right but blaze easily caught them with each of his hand and flung them across the sky. He then ITed to cooler and started to rain down punches in super sonic speed. Cooler was unable to defend himself and was receiving the damage and therby affecting his bodily functions. Suddenly Cold came behind Blaze and started to rain down ki blast but blaze managed to dodge by sidestepping. Suddenly there was a tale coming out of his chest. Behind him Cooler who is in worst condition is grinning.

Cooler- Thats why you shouldn't take us arcosians lightly.

But suddenly blaze form seems to be simmering and it dissapers.

Cooler- What!!!!!

Blaze who is in sky says-

Blaze- (smirked)Too bad you missed.( Although i can finish them off easily but i want to use them as a test subject for my techniques). Are you gonna transform or should i finish you off? I am getting bored here.

Cold- Son, we have no choice but to transform. And i know you have found another transformation but its no time to hide it. Lets make him regret to ever cross us.

Cooler-(getting surprised) So he knew about it. Hmph.. ..very well lets do it.

King Cold then started compressing his ki all around his body. At the same time, Cooler started his transformation too. Earthquake are happening all around the land, the fierce wind started blowing up. At the distance Blaze is currently watching them in silence. Finally a cocoon of ki surrounds them for some time. After that cocoon breaks off and finally they emerge in their final form. Coolers final form was same as movie and Cold's final form was same as frieza.

Blaze- (thinking)hmm.... Looks like Cold didn't trained as much as he should be. He just looks little bit stringer than frieza and cooler is much more powerful than him. But his form is unstable right now. Just like golden frieza when he first time fought Ssj blue goku.(He then shouts) Well looks like its my turn to power up.

Cooler- Go ahead, it doesn't matter anyway. You will die here.

Blaze then takes up a stance and started powering up to his highest.

Blaze- haaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAÀ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Furious winds started blowing up and getting sucked by his form just like first time goku transformed into ssj3. Shockwaves started to generate from his power up and started destroying the lands. Whole planet started shaking. Even Cooler and Cold got pushed pack by his massive power up. After a while, he stopped powering up.

Cooler- No matter how much you power up, you will still get killed here, monkey.

Blaze-(thinking) Fool, if only they could sense my power. They would be pissing their pants. Right now in my base form i am as strong as ssj3 goku in buu saga. Even vegito of buu saga would have hard time with me if i really got serious right now.

Suddenly he saw cooler and Cold rushing to him. He suddenly appeared in front of cooler and kicked him in the gut and blasted him across the sky. After that he engaged cold in a fist fight. Every punches they exchanged created a small shockwave. But it didn't last long, as blaze grabbed his hand in a hold and snapped his hand in two and slapped his face down to ground.

Cold- AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! MY HAND!!!!!!!

Cold can be seen as balancing his broken arm and crying. But Blaze didn't gave him any chance to mourn and suddenly appeared in front of him and gave him devastating uppercut that Cold nearly lost his consciousness. These actions where done only in seconds. By the time Cooler recovered and came to help his father. He was already in his miserable state. Cooler then got reverted back to his previous form.

Cooler- Father! What should we do now? I don't understand how can he be so strong?

Cold- ....There is only thing we can do. But it would mean that we would lost our individual identify. Do you want to try it, son?

Cooler- Anything is better than dying. So what is the plan?

Cold- When i was conquering the planets in my days, i came across an alien species that can increase their power by fusion between two people. When i was going to genocide them, they pleaded for their lifes in return for the knowledge of fusion. Although offer was tempting but the their ritual required a ridiculous dance which i was not going to do that. I told them my problem and in return they gave me two earrings. They said that by wearing the earrings i could fuse with other person without doing the dance. After that i destroyed their race as their technique could have become a problem for me in future. I always take the earrings with me. In my pouch, i have the earrings, give one to me and take one for yourself. But remember, once we are joined we will not be separated again. So remember this well.

Cooler then takes out the earrings and gives one to Cold and one for himself. They then wears the earrings. Suddenly, they flew to each other and started to fuse. A huge cocoon of ki surrounds them.

Blaze- Potara? ....Interesting. Perhaps if their power was equal to ssj2 or more then their fusion might have given me trouble but right now?(smirks) Its cute.

Suddenly the dense that was covering them dissapers and we see a figure in the smoke. The figure then comes out of the smoke. We then see a figure of final form frieza but he has black colour in his crystal shapes and blue colour all over his skin. With horns growing from his head.

???-(in dual voice) Wow, i never felt this much power before. You can call me ...Colder. Your time has come monkey. You will witness the unreal power of the greatest arcosian ever. AHHHHHHH!!!!!

Colder then starts to power up.

Blaze- (in deadpan) ....Seriously, Colder?.Whats with arcosians and cold?But wow, i have to say, his power is as strong as ssj2 if not a little bit more. Huh.. well now it will be entertaining.(smirking, he launches himself towards Colder).

Colder and Blaze then meets on air and started attacking each other. With fist to fist and kicks to kicks they continue to fight. Their attacks were getting faster and faster. In seconds they were already traded 100 blows. The sonic waves from their fights was creating cracks on the ground. Suddenly Blaze then ITed in air and launches itself with a punch towards Colder. Colder puts his hand in guard and managed to block his attack but the power behind it pushes him to the ground. Blaze then follows up with rows of ki that blows up the entire area. He keeps throwing the ki attacks for 1 minute until smokes covers the area. He then waited in focus for Colder to come out. We then see smoke getting out and see the form of colder but lots of gashes and wounds in his body.

Blaze- (smirks) Well, Well so much for being the strongest arcosians huh. I will admit you pushed me a little only a tiny bit but i was entertained alright. Now its time to finish this show.

Colder- (says calmly) I have to say monkey you really pushed me to the edge but who says this is my full power?

Blaze- Hoo? Then show me your full power. I am waiting.

Colder- (angirly shouts)YOU WILL REGRET THIS DAY, MONKEY!!!!!!

Colder then quickly beginning to transform to his final form. His power up quickly pushes Blaze a little bit.

Blaze- (getting serious) Hmm....his power is rising to my level.

Colder then stops his transformation. His final forms looks like Final form Cooler but with horns in his head and spikes coming out all around his hands and feet.

Colder- Behold, my final form monkey. You shall be the only one to witness my full power.

Blaze-(thinking, while surprised) I can't believe that his power is equal to me.(getting excited) finally a opponent who can push me even beyond my level. (then talks to Colder) I have to say you surprised me. I am impressed. But!!!!!! what do you think about me in this entire fight?

Colder-Hmm? What are you talking about. Did you become dillusioned in fear?

Blaze- I am saying that you guys have shown me so much of those lovely transformations. Did u guys ever thought if i have a transformation?

Colder- (nervously says) ..... Don't bluff around Saiyan. Beside your giant ape primitive form. You don't have any transformation.

Blaze smirks.