Chapter Eighty-one : Mates Are Your Destined Soulmates

She had always thought Asher was pushing her away by claiming he wasn't her mate.

But it seems he wasn't lieing after all

Unfortunately, how she felt for Asher was something totally out of this world, it was fiery, consuming and worth it, she wouldn't even mind giving up her life for him.

His existence alone occupied her thoughts. Yes, she had a boyfriend from same grade back at her old school but whatever they had back then was child's play compared to this.

She just felt like Asher was her other missing part, the bone of her bone, her soulmate and she felt it deep down but then.... fate was trying to play a crude joke on her.

"M-my m-mate ? " She stuttered, eyes wide and incredulous.

"Yes. " He nodded " I'm sorry for dropping this on you like this. I didn't plan for us to meet this way"

Lia was numb, she didn't know what to feel anymore ; shock ? disbelief? anger?frustration?


She wavered " Are you sure it's me?.... Aren't you mistaken? " Lia stressed.