Chapter Eighty - Four : Mission Impossible 3

"But a doctor just checked on me hours ago" Adam complained and thanks to that, Dan got to know his name.

"That was hours ago and I know what's best for you, unless you're questioning my capacity? " Zukai asserted with this straight face that Dan would've fallen for too if he didn't know all this was a plan.

"No, that's not what I mean " Adam conceded at last. He immediately looked around nervously before asking in a whisper " Am I going to receive a shot? "

Dan lifted an eyebrow, this guy was scared of injections?

" No, you won't " said Zukai adjusting the boy's IV drip before ordering " Let me see your hand"

Dan had to admit, Zukai was so into his role that it was hard to mistake him for a fake.

Adam reluctantly stretched out his hand towards him and he took it.

In the guise of checking Adam's wrist , Zukai immediately used his ability and though it was hard to concentrate, he forced himself and surprisingly caught a glimpse of what they're searching for.