Chapter Eighty-Nine : Invitation Of Friendship

Lia has been having problems sleeping lately, it wasn't that she was insomniac but she just didn't feel like it and her body was definitely not complaining.

And that was the same case tonight, after that hot kiss she shared with Daniel, she couldn't seem to relax.

When she successfully did fall asleep, she had an erotic dream, so vivid and raw that she could've swore it was real. Wait a minute - Did she just experience a sleep orgasm for the first time ever?

So she stayed up the rest of the night like an owl, binge watching on television dramas that couldn't seem to take her anxiety away. Lia didn't know what was going on back home but she definitely knew Asher must have taken care of her family.

Though she didn't know how he does that, but it wasn't the first time her family was unfazed about her sudden disappearance, when on a normal day her overprotective mom should be freaking out and contacting every law enforcement agency on earth known to her.