Chapter Ninety-Four : If You Won't Love Him , please Unlove Him "

"You're hiding something from me " Sabrina prodded when he wouldn't answer.

"Are you done?" Asher asked irritatedly when she blocked his path with her body.

"What is Lia? " She asked with a serious expression

"None of your business " He monotoned and sped-walked past her.

Suddenly she cast a spell and stuck his feet to the ground.

"As crazy as it sounds, I thought she was adopted or something, which kinda makes sense for her vampiric and were-side since her family is human, unfortunately, not only is she not adopted but was literally a human few weeks ago until now . What happened? " Sabrina revealed while excluding the fact she uncovered the truth thanks to Ben's cellphone.

Of course how could she help them for free, before handing the cellphone over to Dan that day, she had secretly replicated it - But Asher doesn't need to know that.

"Do you think this is funny?! " She screamed at Asher when he kept mum " If the council gets a knowle -"