Chapter One Hundred : The Green-eyed Monster

"Holy moly !" Ben gasped dramatically as soon as his sight fell on Lia " My goddess! " He exclaimed and without warning, slammed her into his chest, engulfing her in a bone crushing hug.

" You're here at last " He cried and tightened the hug, swaying her from side to side " I missed you "

Lia rolled her eyes and tried to pull away from him when the hug of a thing passed a few seconds. "Ben " She called but no reply

"Ben " She called again but still no reply and the students were beginning to give her strange looks.

It was not everyday you get to see a guy and a girl hugging in the hallway and swaying side to side to an unknown tune.

"Ben!" she called this time but with a firmer tone and thankfully it elicited a response from this guy friend of her's.

Sometimes Ben's weird behavior makes her question if he's her boy friend or girl friend - cause he fulfils both roles.

"You have a lot of explaining to do " Ben said and grabbed her arms leading her to God knows where.