Chapter One Hundred And Seventeen: I Defeated You At Your Own Game

Asher wasn't wrong about him , Lia realized, albeit too late - It had been a trick from the very beginning.

Raphael must have had an inkling she wasn't a human and finally tricked her into exposing herself. But now, she was going to give him as much trouble as he gave her , at lest a little werewolf venom should do the trick - but it was easier said than done.

It was evident from her flushed face and heavy breath that she was fighting an intense battle. Just metres away from meeting his chest, as if premeditated, Raphael had grabbed her hand midway and intercepted her attack - making sure to beware of her talons.

No matter how much strength she put in or struggled, she couldn't dislodge the vampire that had a smug smile on his face that did nothing but exasperate her further.