Chapter One hundred and Twenty : A Strenuous Operation

"Where is he?! " Asher roared approaching Dan who simply directed him towards the torture room that had no torture equipments whatsoever- just a bed and a dressing table.

This secret prison cells were hidden underground and a stranger finding it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack ; Asher specifically designed it that way.

Earlier, he had been so distracted with all this crazy events that he almost got caught by Trevor but thankfully, he had put his agility and reflexes into good use.

Asher knew if his heart was still beating, he would've suffered a heart attack the moment he saw Raphael in his mate's room.

He thought Raphael had relived history by doing to Lia the same thing his own father Antonio had done to Raphael's mother , which has been haunting him for ages now.