Chapter One hundred and Thirty : pandemonium - 2

"What do you think is going on? " Sabrina asked Asher as they drove to the school .

"I don't know but judging from the noise in the background, I can tell it's not a good thing" Asher answered, clutching the steering wheel tight.

This was moments he wished Dan was available to teleport him quickly to the school and though Sabrina could summon portals but it consumes lots of energy and was limited.

But he drove over the speed limit and pulled up at the school in no time. He literally flew out of the car the moment he saw students running helter scatter .

He grabbed one of the fleeing students whose expression was ashen by the arm, halting him.

" What's going on? " Asher asked him and though the boy tried to speak but no words came out of his agape mouth - it was obvious the poor boy was shocked beyond words. Instead his hands kept moving expressively through the air but Asher couldn't make sense out of it.