Chapter One Hundred and Forty : I'm sorry

Lawrence walked through the barrier like it was nothing, well he was the one who put it up anyway. 

"I respected and admired your father but not his son " he remarked .

Asher gritted his teeth " See who cares " and started towards him but just as he was about to grab Lawrence, he disappeared and reappeared behind him. 

" Peekaboo "  He poked fun at Asher's failure to catch him. 

Asher whipped around and slashed at Lawrence with his sharp nails that wouldn't exactly be referred to as a claw; unfortunately it slashed through empty air.

But just as Lawrence was about to reappear on the other side, a spiked shaped ice flew past him, narrowly missed him but grazed him on the cheek.

Lawrence stopped, touched a hand on his cheek and saw blood. His lips curled up, snorted in disbelief and  he turned around, facing Asher who was staring at him with a murderous glare.