Chapter One Hundred And Forty-seven : I'm Glad I Did

Lia guessed she must have fallen asleep from exhaustion when she was moved, cause she awoke to a different hospital room. 

Eyes squirting against the room's  lightening, she felt her bed but frowned when she touched a soft mass of hair.  

"God you scared me! " Lia exclaimed from surprise when she turned around, only for her eyes to meet with Asher's, who suddenly lifted his head off from her bed. 

His mesmerising green eyes roved over her face and pounced on her eyes with an intensity that scared the hell out of her. 

An IV was inserted in the back of her hand, so she used her other free hand to cup his face while he was sitting beside her bed. 

"Asher " She murmured softly and that seemed to have captured his attention as he roused from his reverie. 

Lia could tell he was disturbed, so she sat up intending to probe into what was bothering him, when he suddenly bent and kissed her with a ferocity that stunned her.