ChapterTwo Hundred And Ninety: Get Saved Or Served

"Who are you?" continued Ben's odd question.

"What's with that question, Ben," His mother made his way over to him, "That's your father you're talking to that way,"

Ben thought his mother must be joking until she went over and hugged that man.

"Hi, honey," She pecked him on the lips.

No way, what the hell.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Benny? Come and say hi to your father you haven't seen in a long time.,"

"No, impossible! That is not my father....!" he pointed at him, "And you stay away from him," Ben snatched his mother from that person's grasp.

"Seriously, Ben!" His mother was exasperated, " What is wrong with -"

The man lifted his hand, stopping his mother Bianca from finishing her words. His gaze connected with Ben's, asking, 

"You can see me?" 

Ben was taken aback, "I can see what?" 

"The real me, the one occupying this body," He answered.