Chapter Two Hundred And Ninety-three: The Messiah

"Am I the only one concerned about the recent killing of witches?" Kun, the head in charge of Antarctica raised the issue. All of the Council Head had gathered for an emergency meeting. 

"The Dark witches no longer hide in the shadows," Observed Dixie, the head of the European continent "Eversince the Burning Eaglet proudly claimed responsibility for the destruction of ten of my branches, they now come out boldly," 

"The destruction amped their morale," Eleanor inputted. She's the head in charge of the Australian continent. 

"Agreed," Supported Pharrell, the head in charge of South America. 

The head in charge of Africa, Vashti, gave Pharrell a dirty look, asking, "Do you always have to be a yes-man? I suddenly wish there comes a situation that calls for a sacrifice, you smell 'expendable' right now" 

"Is that an insult?" Pharrell's face distorted. 

"What do you think? Am I blessing you?" She scoffed at him.