Chapter Two Hundred And Ninety-eight: Size Of A Volleyball

"Huh?" Daniel was confused. 

Jenny stood up and moved towards him menacingly, "I carried Lia in my womb for nine months, so anything that makes her sad makes me sad. Hence, if you, and you…" She pointed at Daniel and Asher, "Make her shed a drop of tears, I'll not hesitate to take her away forever," she warned them. 

"Of course, Mrs. Jenny." Daniel promised her, "I'll treasure your daughter and protect her from danger," 

Her gaze rested on Asher, waiting expectantly for his reply. 

"Yes, mother-," Asher said. 

Jenny hissed, cutting him off before he could finish the rest of his words. Honestly, this was weird. This man had gone from being her daughter's principal at school to be her soul mate? Boyfriend? Whatever Lia called it. She just prayed her daughter knew what she was doing and this doesn't backfire on her.