Chapter Two Hundred And Five : They're coming.

Islinda hissed in rage when her connection to the crow was destroyed. Apparently, she had been spying on them when that irritating witch found out.

She sat on the throne, her previously closed eyes opened because of the disruption. The spying wasn't burdensome, It was like watching television; seeing things through the crow's eyes.

"What is it?" asked the acolyte by her side, taking care of her nails.

"They've found out I'm onto them," Islinda shared the irritating news.

"Even if they know, what can they do? It's not like they could stop the plan, anyway," the devoted follower shrugged, painting the Islinda's toenail red.

"Yes, they can't stop the plan but I hate being kept in the dark. I need to always have my eyes on them, know their agendas to prevent unnecessary deterrent to our plan," she complained. 

"We can add more precautionary measures if you're that worried, my Ladyship?" The girl suggested to her.