Chapter Three Hundred And Eighteen: Take My Army

"Where to?" Lia was confused, "Left or Right?" she asked Asher who was as uncertain as she was. 

They had been running for a while now and all they've encountered so far were long stretches of the passageway that seem to go on forever. 

"I'll say left," Asher took her hand and they made a run for it but Lia suddenly stopped. 

"What is it? "

"This is not right, " She shook her head. 

"We don't have time for delays," Asher urged her to hurry up before the witch caught up to them. 

"We've been running in circles," Lia realized, pointing at the paint on the wall she had seen at their starting point. 

"Oh, boy" Dread washed over Asher,

 "He cast a spell on us," 

"Yes, I did," 

They turned to the source of the voice to realize it was Kun. He found them, no, he has been playing with them all this while.