Chapter Three Hundred And Twenty-one: Are You With Us?

The stones were blasted away by a heavy spell cast by Sabrina, revealing the people hidden beneath the collapsed structure as they all got out one after the other. 

Having an inkling Lia was going to lose it, Sabrina had released a protection spell that cocooned everyone from being crushed to paste. They were all supernatural who had a faster regeneration ability, yes, but not all would survive being crushed by a massive building such as the council's especially the witches - vampires and werewolves had a higher rate of survivor 

Asher emerged from a pile of stones with Lia in his arms; she was unconscious. 

"How is she?" She asked him, concerned. 

"Unable to cause a mass destruction at the moment," Asher replied grimly. 

"We'll take care of everything here, you should go with her," Dan told him. 

Asher nodded and left with her just as Dan turned to Sabrina saying,