The Merman

[Johan's POV]

His energy dropped low despite having eight hours of sleep. Johan curled under the covers, unsure of what to do to keep himself entertained. Thousands of thoughts raced in his mind, hopping from one idea to another. One moment, he's reminiscing the times he spent with Alden, then he would go back to a random memory of his childhood, and the scenery would change back to what happened yesterday.

The jumble of thoughts made him groan while Scythe pranced on the pillows, hopping from one place to another, yet refusing to give him cuddles. His cat was such an elusive feline. Johan whined. "Scythe~! I'm so bored that I don't know what to do. I need something exciting in my life. Let's go on adventures."

Scythe mewled and gave him a look that translated, 'you're a crazy human.'